We at CreateTogether Foundation, along with so grateful volunteers, have been cleaning up hills nearby Mumbai city, Kharghar, and Navi Mumbai.
Our vision towards these clean-up drives is to make our relationships with our environment deeper and ultimately contributing to make our livings a bit better.
We have the grace of strength to work, to clear our cities of any dirt and we will not stop till the end! We devote ourselves to the pledge that Environmental cleanliness begins with each desire to be clean. And with a great number of very helpful and kind volunteers, CreateTogether Foundation is been cleaning up the hills and collecting the garbage with new happiness and devotion day by day.
1. Provide and promote sustainable waste management systems in Mumbai and places nearby.
2. Provide environmental education and recycling programs in schools and communities.
3. Improve and maintain public spaces.
4. Educate and raise environmental awareness.
5. Promote, sell and use environmentally friendly and recycled products.
6. Provide voluntary, employment and training opportunities.
7. To run national campaigns throughout India.
8. To set up waste management systems across India.