PAWSIBILITIES! A small initiative for precious paws!
"Pawsibilities" is an initiative taken up by the Createtogether foundation. The main purpose of our foundation is to culminate empathy among the people regarding our street animals and help them in the best, optimal way possible.

The greatness of a nation and it's moral progress can be judged by the ways it's animals are treated.
- Mahatma Gandhi.
Pawsibilities is an initiative taken up by the Createtogether foundation. The main purpose of our foundation is to culminate empathy among the people regarding our street animals and help them in the best, optimal way possible.
All you need is love - Teal swan. And this quote doesn't only imply to the humans but to all the living creatures with whom we share this beautiful mother earth. All they got is their voice and they can't put their pain in words like we do. We have to understand that, the ultimate purpose of our lives is to he happy by being empathetic towards all the creatures and establishing harmony with them. We have to understand that we don't own the earth, the earth owns us and it's our inherent responsibility to help each other sustain, to love and be kind. We don't have any rights to beat up the animals when our mood is not good,when stress takes over our life. What harm does animals do to you? It's being already proven that animals are therapeutic ,they are like a gleam of light in the dark, they bring up so much joy in our lives. Isn't that is enough to love them, to adore them, to held th close to our hearts? How we treat anybody often describes how we treat ourselves. We have to understand that materialism will not count when it comes to kindness, to compassion. Because these things comes out of your heart.
Through this mission, we want people to light up the kindness which their hearts carry, to regain the softness which was always theirs, to not get lost in this competitive world because at the end of the day, all matters is how we loved each other.
We see nowdays that enormous numbers of animals are getting killed just for the sake of experimentation. We also promote good health and well being so that you don't have to waste your money on pharma